Kiss My Lips.

Kiss My Lips.
Click My Lips!



What's in Your Bag when you Throw it in the Bag...

JerZie Vintage & The CoCoa Bun are looking for 1 Lucky Fashionista to Win 1 Customized Clutch HandBag.

Here's what you must do:

Submit 2 pictures of a few of your favorite things that can be found in your handbag.

Be Creative with your submissions.

The participant with the most entertaining photos will be chosen and will rec'v a Customized HandBag ((to your liking)). ****This clutch bag will be made especially for you, No one else in the whole wide world will posses it. ****

All submissions must be recv'd by September 7, 2009.

Send an email to with the theme "CoCoa Clutch" in the subject line.

The winner will be contacted via email on September 11, 2009.

Good Luck!!!!